Cecilia Zhang


Work : cezhang at adobe dot com
Personal : cezhangxer at gmail dot com
CV :     Github :     Scholar :     Flickr :    

I'm a researcher at Adobe with the computational photography team led by Marc Levoy. We are building a software-defined camera leveraging computational photography and machine learning. In 2020, I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science, advised by Ren Ng. Prior to Berkeley, I got my B.S. from Rice University with a focus in computer vision under supervision of Ashok Veeraraghavan. When I am not with my computer, I bring a camera almost whereever I go. I was born and raised in Beijing.

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Explorative Inbetweening of Time and Space
Haiwen Feng, Zheng Ding, Zhihao Xia, Simon Niklaus, Victoria Abrevaya, Michael J. Black, Xuaner Zhang
ECCV 2024

Magic Fixup: Streamlining Photo Editing by Watching Dynamic Videos
Hadi AlZayer, Zhihao Xia, Xuaner Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Jia-Bin Huang, Michael Gharbi

Restoration by Generation with Constrained Priors
Zheng Ding, Xuaner Zhang, Zhuowen Tu, Zhihao Xia
CVPR 2024 (Highlights)

Holo-Relighting: Controllable Volumetric Portrait Relighting from a Single Image
Yiqun Mei, Yu Zeng, He Zhang, Zhixin Shu, Xuaner Zhang, Sai Bi, Jianming Zhang, HyunJoon Jung, Vishal M. Patel
CVPR 2024

Dr. Bokeh: DiffeRentiable Occlusion-aware Bokeh Rendering
Yichen Sheng, Zixun Yu, Lu Ling, Zhiwen Cao, Xuaner Zhang, Xin Lu, Ke Xian, Haiting Lin, Bedrich Benes
CVPR 2024

Learning Lens Blur Fields
Esther Y. H. Lin, Zhecheng Wang, Rebecca Lin, Daniel Miau, Florian Kainz, Jiawen Chen, Xuaner Zhang, David B. Lindell, Kiriakos N. Kutulakos
Arxiv 2023

DiffusionRig: Learning Personalized Priors for Facial Appearance Editing
Zheng Ding, Xuaner Zhang, Zhihao Xia, Lars Jebe, Zhuowen Tu, Xiuming Zhang
CVPR 2023

LightPainter: Interactive Portrait Relighting with Freehand Scribble
Yiqun Mei, He Zhang, Xuaner Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Zhixin Shu, Yilin Wang, Zijun Wei, Shi Yan, HyunJoon Jung, Vishal M. Patel
CVPR 2023

SunStage: Portrait Reconstruction and Relighting using the Sun as a Light Stage
Yifan Wang, Aleksander Holynski, Xiuming Zhang, Xuaner Zhang
CVPR 2023

Automatic High Resolution Wire Segmentation and Removal
Mang Tik Chiu, Xuaner Zhang, Zijun Wei, Yuqian Zhou, Eli Shechtman, Connelly Barnes, Zhe Lin, Florian Kainz, Sohrab Amirghodsi, Humphrey Shi
CVPR 2023

Neural Photo-Finishing
Ethan Tseng, Yuxuan Zhang, Lars Jebe, Xuaner Zhang, Zhihao Xia, Yifei Fan, Felix Heide, Jiawen Chen
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022

The Implicit Values of A Good Hand Shake: Handheld Multi-Frame Neural Depth Refinement
Ilya Chugunov, Yuxuan Zhang, Zhihao Xia, Xuaner Zhang, Jiawen Chen, Felix Heide
CVPR 2022 (Oral)

Time-Travel Rephotography
Xuan Luo, Xuaner Zhang, Paul Yoo, Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Jason Lawrence, Steven M. Seitz

Learned Dual-View Reflection Removal
Simon Niklaus, Xuaner Zhang, Jonathan T. Barron, Neal Wadhwa, Rahul Garg, Feng Liu, Tianfan Xue
WACV 2021

Portrait Shadow Manipulation
Xuaner Zhang, Jonathan T. Barron, Yun-Ta Tsai, Rohit Pandey, Xiuming Zhang, Ren Ng, David E. Jacobs

Synthetic Defocus and Look-Ahead Autofocus for Casual Videography
Xuaner Zhang, Kevin Matzen, Vivien Nguyen, Dillon Yao, You Zhang, Ren Ng

Zoom to Learn, Learn to Zoom
Xuaner Zhang, Qifeng Chen, Ren Ng, Vladlen Koltun
CVPR 2019

Single Image Reflection Removal with Perceptual Losses
Xuaner Zhang, Ren Ng, Qifeng Chen
CVPR 2018

Photometric stabilization for fast-forward videos
Xuaner Zhang, Zhaowen Wang, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Joon-Young Lee
PG 2017

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Here I write things about the academic and life. Hope you can find some of the pieces resonating.

09-19-2020: Photoblog

Photoblog @ Death Valley

09-11-2020: My Dissertation

Me @ Dissertation

I hope one day — photographers, videographers and storytellers will be only limited by their imagination, but not their devices or capturing constraints.

09-02-2020: Me and SIGGRAPH


I love how SIGGRAPH presents the entire pipeline from idea to production, from research to product, and from software to storytelling.

07-23-2020: Keynote Color Palette Customized

Color Palette @ Keynote

Learn how to customize your Keynote color palette to give it a unique visual appearance.

06-12-2020: Photoblog

Photoblog @ Yosemite Mist

05-22-2020: Job Interview Resources (targeting PhD grads)

Job Interview Resources @ CV/ML

Curated lists of review resources for Computer Vision and Machine Learning, targeting PhD grads and research interviews.

01-30-2020: Photoblog

Photoblog @ Honolulu Band

11-04-2019: Asian Dean Rising Star

Asian Dean Rising Star Workshop @ Seoul

A 2-day workshop that taught me how challenging it is to become a women faculty, but also gave me full confidence to get there.

10-26-2019: Photoblog

Photoblog @ Ewha Womans University

09-16-2019: OpenCV2 with CUDA 9.0

OpenCV2 @ CUDA 9.0

Hours of battle with OpenCV2 compilation with CUDA 9.0

06-22-2019: CVPR 2019

CVPR2019 @ Long Beach

8K+ attendees and 1294 papers, I tried hard to sort myself out to enjoy it. It was exhausting, but worthwhile and fun.

03-18-2019: The cardboard effect explained

Mini Lecture @ Stereoscopic Perception

"Only when no artifacts are visible would stereoscopic imagery be preferred." Our visual system is very demanding about 3D contents.

06-23-2018: CVPR 2018

CVPR2018 @ Salt Lake City

5 days, 979+ papers and 6000+ attendees. While being a bit overwhelmed, I wrote down things I have experienced, learned and reflected.


I love taking photos of streets, people, and random visual attractions. I've been mostly using an iPhone and a film camera. Some of my albums on Flickr.

Here are some of my favorites from recent years.

@ Mammoth Lake
Mammoth Lake, 2022

Hualian, 2014

Death Valley, 2020

Portland, 2021

Crater Lake, 2021

Mt Shasta in early fall
Mt Shasta, 2021

Taipei, 2017

Long Beach, 2019

@DaLi, China
Dali, 2015

Las Vegas, 2020

Houston, 2015

Tokyo, 2015

Beijing, 2012

See my iPhone collection of 2022:
